Tuesday, 28 June 2011

Welcome to Room 1

We are a year 4/5/6 digital class at Clendon Park Primary School. We love ICT and are keen bloggers! Please check out all the cool things we are learning at school.


  1. Welcome on board Clendon's Clever Clan. We are looking forward to seeing what you get up to in your learning adventures this year! Always remind Miss Clements to get the camera out!
    Big hugs Ms Tataurangi xx

  2. Hi Miss Clements and room1

    isnt this blog awesome i really love the design adn i see that our team challenge videos are up aswell:)

    Have a nice day

  3. Hi everyone its me Bella. Clendon's Clever Clan... hmmm wat can i say........ Cool website it was fun doing the amazing race i had a really fun time.
    Miss Clements. (^^^)

  4. sally said....

    hi miss Clements I really love the amazing race I wish we could this term because it show us how to work in a team

    I also like the wallpaper

    thank you 4 everything

  5. this is sally

    i really like the amazing race & i wish that we could do it this tram because it really fun and the first time doing this kind of thing

    thank you 4 the awesome work

  6. Hi Miss Clements and room1

    i really like our new blog and how miss clements has decerated it & our amazing race photos and videos.

    From Joel

  7. i had a great time this week
    by bella

  8. Hi everyone

    All the pages are cool and I can't wait for the weekend.

    From Joel

  9. Hi Mrs Clements and Room1. This blog is very facinating and I love how you put up our team work buildings. Mrs Clements I have a question. Will we be doing Team building again? If we are can we be in the same groups because I loves my group. Please can we do it again this year before all my Year 6 friends will be gone to Intermeadiate and I wont see them ever again only if I'm lucky. Then I might but only if I have luck. Well I hope you will have the rest of the evening will happiness.
    From: Ashaldine :)

  10. Hi everyone

    I really like our new blog and the amazing race pictures and videos...

    From Joel

  11. Hi Mrs Clements. I really liked the type of what the blog looks like and also the Team Building Pictures. I hope that we could do it again one time.

    Thanks Samantha
